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Tour the Homestead


Fruit varieties include apples, peach, plum, pear, cherry, apricot, nectarine, paw paw, fig, mayhaw, quince, & persimmon.

We follow a polyculture system where no two like fruit trees adjoin.  If an insect likes apple, it has to travel through a peach or other fruit to reach the next apple tree.  This confuses the insect and increases its chance of being eaten by predators while trying to tra-vel between its favorite trees. 

The trees are planted in such a way that every row ripens within a different two-week window, making harvesting easy and fun!

Nut Trees

Chestnut, pecan, black walnut, English walnut, butternut, hazelnut, almond, and a commercial variety of hickory.  

To our oversized planting holes we added organic compost, humates, azomite clay, and mycorrhizae inoculant to enrich the soil life.  The planted trees are topped with heavy mulch and drip irrigation.


Muscadine varieties and Italian peirce-disease resistant varieties of Baco Noir, Victoria Red, and Blanc du Bois. 


Raspberries, blackberries, blue-berries, strawberries, gogi berries, tayberries, nanking bush cherries, mulberries, elderberries, and more.

Back to Eden Garden

30 by 60 feet of this popular gardening method using newspaper, compost, manure, and mulch for vegetable growing.  The film Back to Eden is free online and a great watch.

Row Crops

Small areas of conventional till in places where we will not lose the soil from erosion.  Here we plant sweet potatoes, heirloom white milling corn, chufa, and other vegetables.

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Hugelkultur Bed

Wood core gardening!  Rotting logs are placed in a row, then layered over with compost and mulch.  The logs act as a 20 year fertilizer and irrigation system as they wick up moisture and distribute it to the plants!  This humble mound has produced our most abundant crop harvests.

Raised Beds

Stone beds, logs, and wooden beds... organic garden mixes and native soil blends.  We love experimenting to learn what works best for our area.

Laying Hens

Our hens are free-range and pasture based.  We supplement their diet with loads of organic kitchen scraps and a small amount of non-GMO feed.

Meat Birds

Our model is based on Joel Salatin's pastured poultry.  The chickens are moved to fresh, nutrient-rich grass daily.  We love to watch them happily  forage for clover and insects!

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